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                     Day 1 - Friday 14th October                    
    Buffet Dinner at Kings Buildings House
(Formerly the KB Union)
 We enjoyed a relaxed informal buffet with a number of the former staff present as our guests.

Ann Walker (Peattie), Marion Senior (Hanson), Mike Senior, Angela Palmer, Sylvia Steven (Rutherford, Marjorie Shannon.

Moura Sawyer, Jennie Nicholson (Manning), Kenneth Lawley, Lindsay Sawyer

Howard Everett, Ann Tulley (Fleetwood), Brian Donaldson, Fiona Donaldson.

David Horne, Ian Shannon, Ian Mason, Baldur Simonarson.

   George Mieras, Colin Whitehead, Dorothy Whitehead, Garth Thomson

Malcolm Fluendy, Bob Gould, Tom Smith, Alan Masson

Pat Edington, Sheila Gould, Joan Moody, Stuart Moody.

George Mieras, Tom Smith, Pat Edington

Ian Mason, Stu Moody, Alan Masson, Kenneth Lawley, Malcolm Fluendy

Howard Everett & Joan Moody

Sheila Gould, Moura Sawyer, Jennie Nicholson (Manning), Bob Gould

Garth Thomson, Brian Donaldson, Baldur Simonarson, Ann Tulley (Fleetwood), Fiona Donaldson

Colin Whitehead, Dorothy Whitehead, Ann Walker (Peatie)

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