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Significant Dates (some are approx)


1930s        G6AF  William Anderson (Science staff) - first known licensee.

1937          Radio Club started by Mr Bill Lyall (Physics)

1939-45    Club closed during WWII  (Mr. Lyall in RAF)

1946          Club revived by Mr. Lyall

1947          Taken over by Mr John Hughes (Physics)

1949          First report published in the Watsonian; thereafter fairly regularly. 

1952          Tom Simpson GM3BCD joined Staff of Technical Department

1955          Station GM3BCD established in room under stage; 20m dipole antenna.

                   - 1st QSO with Bill Sutherland GM3JWS (Watsonian) in Edinburgh

1956          John Hughes obtained call GM3LCP

1958           Cubical Quad antenna installed on school roof

                    - 1st QSO was with Argentina!

1959           First exhibition - 'Careers in Electronics'

1959           GM3BCD leading Scottish station in RSGB 21/28MHz contest

1960           Congo emergency - signals received from 9Q5HF passed to missionary

                       society HQ in London (press story)

1961           Visit by President G2EC & Secretary G2MI of RSGB (press story)

1961           GM3BCD/P operated in RSGB National Field Day from school grounds.

1961           First licensed pupil: Michael Senior GM3PAK

1965           Second exhibition - 'Careers in Electronics' 

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