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1960s Membership & History Notes

1960-61   (Subscription 2/-)


Marwick, Alan                       Graham, I.S.                           Stark, Ian

Ross, A.                                  Taylor, Douglas                     Flockhart

Nisbet                                     Mitchell, Alister J.                 Jack

Halliday                                  Graham, K.H.R.                      Hill, B.T.

MacPherson, Niall                 Burnett, David                       Hendrie

Campbell, R. James              Muir, Victor                            Shaw

Guest, David H.                      Redman , John                      Hoy

Anderson                               Lang                                       Meek (IVSc2)

Muirhead, Ruari                    Bulloch, Bryan                       Wood

Ritchie                                   Masson, Alan J. (Secy)          Murray

Ross, K.                                 Senior, Michael G.                  Lang

Shaw                                     Alexander                               Ewen

Whitehead                            Dr. Eric G.Meek                       Douglas

Hamilton                               Mr. James Jardine   

Talks: Soldering; QSL Cards by A.Masson; G6CL et al;

GM3BCD: return of Eddystone 750 Rx;Field Day – June ¾.

Morse Test – passed by M. Senior; issued with GM3PAK licence – congrats.





A.Ross                                   D. White                                  G. Grawford                         

A.H.R. Graham                     J.D.S. Cuthbert                       Douglas Taylor

Niall MacPherson                 H. Fotheringham                  D. Steele                   

H. Neave                                Duncan C. Roe                      Alan Marwick

J. Taylor                               J.C. Whitehead                       Wittenburg               

E.C. Waugh                           James Campbell                   Alan J. Masson GM3PSP (Secy)

L. Martinez                           R. Stafford                             Michael G. Senior GM3PAK

I.M. Ferguson                       J. Hurst                                  D. Young

D.T. Turnbull                         A.J. Beaton                            A.D. MacKay

D. Nisbet                               David H. Guest                      John H. Downie



Visit: BBC-TV Kirk O’Shotts

RAE: A. Masson, J. Campbell

Morse Test: A. Masson

Licence: A. Masson GM3PSP

Construction contest:            Sr.: M.Senior – 2m Tx; A. Masson – HF Tx

                                                Int.: D.Guest – multimeter; Steele – transistor Rx

                                                Jr.: Cook – Transistor Rx; McMath – Xtal Rx. 





Thomson, G.T.                      Marwick, Alan                       Crawford, G.F.

MacKay, A.D.                        Flynn, Brian W.                      Ross, A. (Secy)

Whitehead, C.                       McIntyre, H.J.                        Campbell, R.J.

Hutchon, David.                    Costa, G.J.                             Nisbet, D.

Shepherd, N.C.H.                 Taylor, W.Douglas                 Fotheringham, H.

Steele, D.F.                           Mitchell, Alister J.                 Scott

Waugh, E.C.                          Guest, David H.                      Morton

Williams, R.D.N.                   Fowkes, C.J.                           Ferguson, I.M.

Roe, Duncan C.                    Drinnan, D.R.


Construction entries: Tape recorder; 70cm converter; 2m converter; 3 valve AF amp;

            2 transistor amp; transistor oscillator; transistor super-regen Rx; R-C bridge;

            filter network & preamp; multimeter.















RAE certificate gained by David Hutchon - one of many achieved around this time

through the tireless work of teacher John Hughes, GM3LCP.





G. Grawford                          E.C. Waugh                           D.K. Cook

Duncan C. Rowe                   G.J. Costa                             Alan Marwick

Alister J. Mitchell                 Kevin J. Bradford                Alec Ross

Brian W. Flynn                     P.M.J. Malloch                      David H. Guest (Secy)

D.F. Steele                            J.A. Robertson                     D.H.T. Scott

C.J. Fowkes                          G.J. Thomson                       J.C. Whitehead

R.A. McCreath                      Douglas Taylor                     David Hutchon

R. Griffith                              A.L. Balfour                           N.C.H. Shepherd


Licence: D.H. Guest GM3TFY (date tbc)

Contests: Field Days

Construction contest: Sr.: B.W. Flynn; Jr.: R. Smith (8HJ)






Ross Smith                            Alan Miller



Callum Brown                        Alan Mackay                         Peter Unwin

John Dykes                            Gordon Grosset                    Alastair Harris

Matthew Wightman              John Barker                          Murray Cooke

Kenneth McKinlay                 Keith Ridley                          Graham Millar

Neil Grant                               Colin Renwick

Neil Johnstone                       Michael Sharples



Robin Graham                      John Senior                          Alastair Robertson

Kevin Bradford                     Douglas Taylor                     David Thomson

Kenneth Wallace                  Brian Flynn                           Roderick Cameron

Michael Black                       David Guest                          Gregan Crawford

James Lumsden                  Duncan Roe                          Alistair Mitchell

Robert Williams                   David Steele (Secy)              Richard Balfour

Peter Brown                         Tommy Menzies                   David Cook

Christopher Pollock             Peter Malloch                       Allan Kinnaird


Exhibition – Careers in Electronics – May 1965



1965-66    Subscription 2/-)


Gregan F. Crawford (Secy)  Brian W. Flynn                      Howard F.L. Orgel

David H. Guest                      Leon Di Marco                      Ian D. Dewar

Kevin J. Bradford                 Duncan C. Roe                      Leay

Ross J.N. Smith                    David F. Steele                     M.P. Kennedy 

Allan R. Miller                       N. John Senior                     A. Forsyth

David W.J. Paulin                 Christopher G. Pollock         R.C. Dean

David A.R. Thomson            Bruce S. Anderson               M.A. Graham

Peter D.M. Austin                 Peter C. Brown                     M.J.D. Thorbush

John D. Richie                      Tom P.A. Marwick                 B.C.L. Elliott

Roderick C.P. Cameron       Graham                                  CBL. Simpson

Murray J.S. Cooke               M.J. Oswald                            Roger D. Manners

M.F. Ford                              C.J. Thurston                          P.L. Jack

A.G. Hunter                          C.P. Beaton                              A.J. McAndrew

A.D. Thompson                    A.A. Walton                              A.J. Dinwiddie

A. Russell                             W.I.M. Simpson                       J.I. Hardie

L. Cherry                              Renton                                      Fair


Project: crystal set and 2 transistor amplifier.

Structure: decided to combine Senior and Junior Sections.



1966-67    Subscriptions 2/6).


Langdon, R.P.                        Humbley, J.                           Johnstone, Justin H.

Elliott, B.L.L.                          Fuir (?) R.D.J.                         White, P.J.                

McAndrew, A.J.                     Simpson. C.B.L.                     McTagart, R.

Thompson, A.D.                     Anderson, Iain                      MacFarlane, N.J.

Marwick, T.P.A.                      White, William                      Langdon, M.P.

Bain, E.F.                                Grosset, G.S.                         Williams, P.R.

Miller, A.R.                             Marr, Alexander                   Conliffe,N.A.

Renton, G.B.                           Lyall, Graeme                       Wilson, J.F.

Orgel, H.F.L.                           Pollock, C.G.                          Bald, R.

Anderson, S.N.                       Mitchell, David                     Thomson, P.H.

Manners, Roger D.                Bewsey, D.K.R.                      Newell, Colin

Di Marco, L                            Smith, R.J.N.                         Thomson, J.R.

Kong, L.W.                              Hardie, J.                               Crow, P.

Cameron, R.C.P.                    Greenhorne, J.G.                   Robertson, M.

Salmon, D.H.G.                      Eden, C.P.                              Ramsay, J.

Walton, A.A.                           Stevenson, D.J.                     Notley, S.

Thurston, CJ.                         Boyle, J.B.                              Cant, J.

Brown, Peter C.                     Nash, D.F.                              Moir, A.

Cooke, Murray J.S.                Wilson, R.                              Steel, D.

Flynn, Brian W. (Secy)           Rodger                                  Fairley, R.

Morris, G.A.                           Senior, N.J.

Cunningham, D.J.                 Walker, P.N.

Cottrell, A.F.                          Wilson, I.A.

Pryde, R.S.                            Aspinall, J.

Mansion, D.M.                       McConnell, B.

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