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1940s & 1950s Membership and History Notes



J.M.M. (Robin) Stirling           -                    Secretary 1949-50

A.G.E. Allan.    

George H. Black                                           Later - G3XPQ

T.W.G. Calvert. 

Ian Fortin (d.)                                                

Bryan W.N. Harris                                       Later - G3GTF

A. J. Oliphant                                               Later - GM3SFH-SK 

H. Ian Wharton (d. ~1992)                                      



1950-51  (Subscription: 6d)


Mackay, D.S.                        Allan, A.G.E.                         Inglis, G.R.

MacQuarrie, I.C.                   Brown, A.J.                          Oliphant, A.J. (Secy).

Calvert, T.W.G.                     Gardner, I.                            Dewar, H.M.

Stoane, J.S.                         Spenser, G.G.                       Mossman, R.S.


Talks: Valves; Triodes; Electromagnetic Waves; The Transformer; Radio Construction Practices.



1951-52 (No list – av. att. 8)


Calvert, J.W.G. (Secy)

Dinkle, M.C.


Talks: Television by M.C. Dinkle.Electrons; Tuning; Radar (incl.. CH, CHL & H2S) by Mr. Lyall.



1952-53 (No list – av. Att. 8)


Allan, A.G.E. (Secy)

Dinkel, M.C.


Talks: Radio stars & radioastronomy; Telephony by A.G.E. Allan.





Carswell                                Younger                                Pringle, R.

Aitken, K                                Brownlie                               Craig

McColl                                    Cloughley, B.                        Oatie, Alan

Gardner                                 Cochran, M.                          Allan, A.G.E. (Secy)                        

Stewart                                 Cochran, C.





Guthrie, N.J.                          Roth, M.J.

Fergusson, D.C.                    Greaves, G.R.H.

Cervi, J.N.S.                           Kelly, E.John. (Later GM3POK / KG6XF)

Brownlie, R.W.                      Howatt, A.J.

Younger, D.R. (Secy)            Cochran, M





Roth, M.J.                              Allan, J.D.                              Venters

Pringle, R.D. (Secy)              Groves, E.P.                           Cervi

Murison, A.S.                        Kirk, M.E.                               Hopkins

Cochran, C.S.                        Czekalowski, G.W.A.            Tulloch          

Borrie, D.L.                            Wright, M.A.                          Young

Kelly, E.John.                              Davidson, H.C.R.                            

Inglis, O.R.                             Guthrie

Kennedy, C.J.                        Williamson

McKinna, M.J.                       McLeod



1956-57     (Subscription 2/-)


Asbury                                   Jago                                       Jamieson

Pringle                                   Dunlop                                   Turnbull

Roth                                       Stronach                                MacKenzie

Inglis                                      De Tedesco                           McKendrick

Cervi                                       Harrison                                Guthrie

Kelly, E. John (Secy)             Dawson                                  Young

Venters                                  McGibbon                              MacLeod

Wiliamson                             Douglas                                  Gordon

Czekalowski, George            Inglis, Chilton                        Brown

McNie                                     Muir, Victor                            Dr. Eric Meek

Mansion                                 McColl                                    Taylor

Wright                                    Hood                                       Brice

Catto                                       Hunter                                   Craig

Spence                                   Harper                                   Braidwood


Visits: Police Station, Portobello Power Station

Winners, Set-building: V. Muir (Jr); E.J. Kelly (Sr.)

GM3BCD: New rig on the air 21 Jan 1957



1957-58      (Subscription 2/-)


Hunter                                    Blanc, Victor                          Dr. Eric Meek

Guthrie                                   Redman, John                       Catto

Inglis  (VIA)                            Paver                                      Downie, John

Venters                                  Hogarth                                  Senior, Michael

Schreiber, Robert                 Brass, James                         Gordon

Young                                     Stronach                                Masson, Alan J.

Williamson                            Turnbull                                  Callander

Czekalowski, Geo. (Secy)     Harrison                                 Bland, Roger

Kelly, E. John                        McGibbon                                Paterson

Russell                                   Inglis (IIIC)                              Barton, David

Wright                                    Muir, Victor                            Gardner, Andrew

Speirs                                    Allan                                       Hughson, David

McNie                                     Hay                                         Burnett, David

Ross                                       Telford                                    Brown, Robin A.

Candlish                                 Roy                                         Campbell, R. James


Visits: BBC Kirk O’Shotts TV Tx, GPO Exchange, Fountainbridge, Scott Radio, Maitland Radio.

Talks: IGY by J.Fraser.Shepherd GM3EGW; Light Modulation by C. Inglis; Mullard film – Transistors.

Winners, construction: Inglis, Masson

GM3BCD: cubical quad erected 8 May 1958



1958-59    (Subscription 2/-)


Dr Eric Meek                         Campbell, R. Jim                   Williamson

Czekalowski, Geo. (Secy)     Speirs                                     Brown, Robin .A.

Blanc, Victor                          Barton, David                        Muir, Victor

Senior, Michael                      Redman , John                     Mr. James Jardine

Catto                                       Landale                                 Stark, Ian

Burnett, David                       Bland, Roger                         Paterson (VA)

Moffat                                     Paver                                     Samson, John

Hamilton                                Downie, John                        Paterson (IIIU)                                 

Stewart                                  Gordon                                   Whyte

Allan                                       Masson, Alan J.                     Ramsay
Muir, Victor                            Gardner, Andrew                  Gillett

McGibbon                              Turnbull                                  Smith

Wright                                    Harrison                                 Ritchie, David


Visit: ITA Blackhill TV transmitter.

Talks: Radio Waves; Resonance; Electrons; CRTs; GPO Inspector; Colour Organ (Czekalowski)

GM3BCD: Eddystone 750 - 8 June 1959.

Exhibition – Careers in Electronics – 23 May 1959



1959-60   (Subscription 2/-)


Hutchon, David                     Meek (IIIB)                              Senior, Michael

Cameron                               MacKenzie                             Taylor

Heyes, John                          Harper                                    Johnston

Gillett                                     Alexander                               Hamilton

MacIntosh                             Moffat                                      Nisbet

Buchanan                              Downie, John                         Sibbald, John                                 

Mackenzie                             Stark, Ian                                Masson, Alan J.

Marwick, Alan                       Campbell, R. James              Mr. James Jardine

Callan                                     Muir, Victor                            Burnett, David

Taylor                                     Harrison                                 Holmes                     

Samson, John                       Paver                                       Sang

MacPherson, Niall                Catto                                        Smith

Ross, Ian                                Gordon                                    Fraser

Hendry                                   Redman, John                        Morrish

Linn                                        Barton, David                         Hutchison, Dugald

Wishart                                  Spiers, J. (Secy)                     Carr

Mason                                    Darling                                    Henderson

Carrie                                     Hamilton                                Anderson

Scott                                       Wilson                                    Gardner, Andrew

Wright                                     Fair


Visits: Portobello Power Station; Bruce Peebles Electronics Lab.

GM3BCD: Quad repaired May.

9Q5HF – Congo missionary station 12-15 July 1960

RAE: M. Senior (later – GM3PAK)


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